Letter To Dignity Health Chandler Regional Hospital
James Holland
You are receiving this email because there is no justice in the court system for victims of Covid. I am forced to go public to get my wife, Christina’s story out. I dropped my wife off at Dignity Health Chandler Regional Hospital for what I thought would be an overnight stay to help her with her breathing, little did I know 27 days later she would be dead. By telling her story I am hoping to accomplish several objectives!
1-Educate the public so that none of you have to suffer the tragedy of losing a loved one as I and my two sons have.
2-Hopefully find enough other victims of the hospital system that maybe someone will listen and take up our case.
3-And by exposing what happened to my beautiful wife and other families loved one, maybe we can put enough pressure on the Hospitals to change their practices.
When I dropped my wife off, I was not told Chandler Regional did not believe in Ivermectin and that my wife would not be receiving any, nor was I told that once she was put on oxygen, she would no longer be able to receive Regeneron. Had I known these two facts, I never would have left my wife at Chandler Regional to die a slow horrible death. Chandler Regional took away my choice of her care by omitting these facts and while she was in the hospital never contacted me while I was sick at home with Covid to discuss her treatment options or even inform me of what they were doing or not doing, they just did whatever they wanted.
In the first week of my wife being in the hospital, the nurse told my son, Sean, that she was doing pretty good and should be out soon. Had she received Regeneron when she first entered the hospital,l she may very well have been out of there in a few days. Had she received Ivermectin, she may very well of been out of there in a few days, but she was denied both of these and by the time I found out, she was in the ICU, technically brain dead from the intubation procedure, she never regain consciousness over the next 8 days.
If just 15-20% of you can forward this email on, and they do the same, then maybe we can save other families from the heartache we have suffered. I can never bring my beautiful wife back, but if we can change the system then we will have done some good.
In closing I want to say it is sick that the Hospitals, their Doctors, and staff have practically been given free rein to do what they want and not be sued. Instead of doing what is best for the patient, the Doctors are only working in the hospital’s best interest. A client/customer in a real estate transaction has more rights than my wife had in a life and death situation. If the client/customer is defrauded, the agent can lose his/her license. In my wife’s case, they could have given her everything plus the kitchen sink and not be sued, instead they denied her half of what is available and she paid the ultimate price. She had covid, but she didn’t die from covid, she died from lack of treatment.
Sincerely, James Holland